According to our experience, training participants prefer methods that include simulation, as they gain deeper understanding and knowledge through life-like situations. In the A.C.T. (Active Competence Training) method, theoretical knowledge gets activated in practice with the contribution of actors.
Participants can practice their newly gained knowledge through modelled situations. This gives them self-confidence which provides the ability to instantly apply their skills in their work, in the long term.
Get to know out method
Personal situations
Participants bring their own personal situations or challenges into the training, which they can re-play with the help of actors.
No roleplay
Participants act as in real life during the simulation, they do not have to play a role, which gives an opportunity for everyone to gain insight into their behaviour – this will be the starting point of the development.
Safe environment
A résztvevők a tréningen tanult eszközök, módszerek alkalmazását gyakorolják a színészekkel.
Are you ineterested? – Learn live how we work with actors!
Request a free training demo to experience how our ACT methodology works with the help of our improvisational actors.
Like the trainings, we provide demos online and offline as needed.
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
As online work has become a natural part of our life, skill development has also transformed in the life of Valoro.
For the past years, we repeatedly have been facing needs to find solutions for online skill development, to create opportunity for real conversations and group work. To meet this need, we developed our online training methodology, where participants can join the training through a professional classroom application.
Hundreds of hours of online experience

We have implemented numerous offline trainings to the digital environment, so we have experience in converting explicitly offline exercises to the online space.

In addition, we have multiple online workshops, brainstormings, retrospectives, project meetings, stand-ups and team-buildings behind us, the solutions to which we have researched and familiarized with the most suitable applications.

Thanks to hundreds of hours of online development experience, we have gathered a wide range of methodological and group dynamics tools to support enjoyable and effective online developments
Innovative HR
Online training solutions which aim for efficiency create the image of an innovative HR in the members of the organisation and improves the prestige of HR within (the organisation.
Cost effectiveness
Online trainings do not require rooms to rent, catering costs or tools. We provide the group with an online classroom. What is more, online trainings require less organisation.
Successful involvement
In online developments, introverted, busier and more passive participants are easier to involve by human resources, therefore opportunities for development become accessible and attractive for a wider audience within the organisation.
XS knowledge elements with XL effect

Get up to speed with the changes in the field of
development over the past two years!
In recent years, our rhythm of life has become faster, so learning habits have also changed.
Nowadays, it is difficult to fit several hours of E-learning or training into the busy everyday life of employees.
So, we have developed that helps with the development of skills, the introduction of new organizational habits or the knowledge transfer of onboarding processes. segíti a készségfejlesztést, új szervezeti szokások bevezetését vagy és épp az onboarding folyamatok tudásátadását
Games, videos, infographics, podcasts, action tips, and knowledge clouds are all part of our digital learning product, through which the entire organization and all its employees can be reached at the same time, saving time and money, without introducing a new IT-system, and which is designed on your own environment.

Why we choose digital solutions
We like to be pioneers within the profession and professional freshness comes with continuous search for and usage of innovative, digital solutions.
In the course of our work, more and more often we are developing leaders from the millenial generation (generation Y and Z), who are already learning a bit differently, expecting faster, fresher, more practical solutions during the developments.
Here are some of the online solutions we use in our projects:
Indivizo – video interview application
Vedamo – online classroom application
CX-Ray – network research software
Miro – digital whiteboard supporting agile work and online workshops
Quantified Company – Satisfaction assessment
Act 2 Manage – Leadership training mobile learning app
Are you interested in an OD method?
Milyen teszteket alkalmazunk?
A motivációs, személyiség- és kompetenciamérő tesztek pontos és konkrét adatokkal szolgálnak ahhoz, hogy fejlesztési folyamatainkat az egyénekre, csapatokra szabjuk, vagy olyan szervezetfejlesztési döntéseket hozzunk meg, melyek a csapatok valódi állapotára reagálnak.
Ezek a tesztek segítenek feltérképezni a kollégák pszichés működését, preferált viselkedési stílusát, kiemelkedő erősségeit, valamint a fejlesztendő területeket. Az eredmények alapján személyre szabott, hatékony fejlesztési terveket tudunk kialakítani akár egyéni, akár csapatszinten.
- MQ – MOTIVÁCIÓS FELMÉRÉS – 15 faktoros motivációs felmérés
- TRAIT MAP – komplex személyiségteszt
- FACET5 – big5 alapú személyiségteszt
- HOGAN – Vezetői potenciál mérése
- DISC – Viselkedéstipológia

Hol van a legnagyobb hozzáadott értéke ezeknek a teszteknek?
Motivációs felmérés
- Ha vezetőként rendelkezünk a csapat szintű és egyéni motivációs információkkal, akkor azt is tudni fogjuk, kit milyen vezetői eszközzel tudunk megtartani és hogyan tudjuk a csapatodból a legjobb teljesítményt kihozni.
- A felmérés megmutatja a motivációs szükségleteket és azt, hogy elégedettek-e a munkatársak, teljesül-e a vágyott állapot. E két szám relációjában dönthetünk beavatkozásokról, hogy áthidaljuk a szakadékokat és elégedetté, motiválttá tegyük a munkatársakat.
Személyiségtesztek és viselkedési tipológiák
- A kiválasztási folyamat során, amikor az adott munkakör követelményeihez igazítjuk az értékelést.
- Egy csapat erőforrásainak és együttműködési potenciáljának felmérésében.
- Vezetőfejlesztési programok elején, ahol a legfontosabb vezetői kompetenciák, az ideális vezetői profil és a kockázati tényezők kerülnek fókuszba.
- Tehetséggondozó és mentorálási programok tervezésénél.
Tudj meg többet alkalmazott felméréseinkről
The results of every measuring tool and test we use, are evaluated by our accredited consultants.
The created reports are not delivered on their own to the elvaluated person: the interpretation of the results is always supported by consultant feedback.
What is more important, the past of candidates or their competences?
Assessment and Development Center is an organised, half or day-long program created to discover a candidate’s competencies.
The tasks and simulation practices designed for the observation of behaviour help measuring competencies in a more complex way than tests and interviews allow.
The more the candidates’ competencies suit the requirements of the position and organizational culture, the more likely it is that the candidate will fulfil the position perfectly and provide good performance.

See what our customers think about online Assessment Centers and our collaboration!
Online Assessment Center
We are proud to have reinvented the recruitment processes of many of our clients with the implementation of online Assessment Centers.
The experience of more than 80 online Assessment Center programs shows that the online methodology will have a place in offline operation as well, as it was evaluated not only by HR teams but also managers and participants an effective, convenient and innovative solution.
Find more information about our professional online AC methodology in the Valoro Digital menu.
Demo – Get to know our online or offline AC methodology!
Sign up for a free methodological demo to walk you through the virtual rooms of the digital platform, show you example tasks, and answer your questions as well.

We don’t tell you the solution but we help you find it
During the coaching sessions, the coach does not provide ready-made solutions to the coachee. Our goal is to support the development of the participant, primarily through exploratory questions and feedbacks.
In our coaching processes, we use several types of approaches, the coach always chooses the best method or a combination of them that is suitable for the given topic or problem.
What is the goal of team coaching?
The aim of team coaching is to resolve conflicts that hinder current operations. Moreover, the method helps to develop cooperation that form the basis of future teamwork, and to align the norms in the team.

Hybrid coaching is an individual leadership development process, where we combine coaching and training methodologies. We are focusing not only to the leadership role, but also to the development of practical leadership actions, practices and presence. In this intensive development, the gaps identified during „shadow occasions” are developed with a variety of development tools and methods.

Part of hybrid coaching is the shadow method, where the leader is observed during his daily work, on the basis of pre-agreed aspects and competencies. This is followed feedbacks from the coach, analysis of the observed behaviour, and definiton of further development points.

A simulational methodology created for the development of leadership, in which professional, improvisational actors are involved in the leadership development.
The core value of this method is that the actors can display the characters and situations accurately, several times in a row. The situations can be stopped and replayed until the participant finds the best suitable solution for the situation.
Practicing with actors provides real, active knowledge so the leaders can confidently apply the aquired leadership tools and methods in everyday life as well.
This experience evokes a strong emotional impact that initiates immediate change in the leaders’ behaviour.

Our coaching programs can also be implemented as engaging and interactive online developments, involving numberous professional digital platforms.
Please check how we work online!